A group of people, including one person in a wheelchair, 当他们从马林海岬看金门大桥时,从背后看到的是什么.
从马林海岬(Marin Headlands)就能看到金门大桥的最佳景色

Little Known Facts About The Golden Gate Bridge


贝博体彩app到处都是标志性的地标,但没有一个像 Golden Gate Bridge. Globally recognized and synonymous with San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge is a must-see when visiting. 然而,这座美丽的桥远比我们看到的要复杂得多. 发现一些即使是最好的导游也可能不知道的事实. 这些事实和有趣的历史片段会给你的朋友和家人留下深刻的印象! 

Early Beginnings

1872年,铁路大亨查尔斯·克罗克(Charles Crocker)首次提出了跨越金门海峡的大桥, but the idea didn’t catch on.

Infrastructure, But Make It Fashion

首席工程师约瑟夫·施特劳斯(Joseph Strauss)在1921年设计的第一个设计因太丑而被拒绝.

Everyone's A Critic

伟大的加州自然摄影师安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)担心,在金门大桥上修建一座桥会破坏这个地方的美丽. 当亚当斯看到完工的金门大桥时,他改变了主意.

Halfway to Hell

11人在施工过程中死于事故,其中10人在同一天. 另外19名工人被桥下的安全网捉住,他们被称为“半途地狱俱乐部”的成员.’’

What's Your Favorite Color?

海军建议把桥漆成黑黄相间的条纹. 陆军航空队想要糖果手杖红白相间的条纹. 标志性的国际橙色色调实际上是底漆的颜色. 咨询建筑师欧文·莫罗(Irving Morrow)成功地游说将这座桥永久涂成“国际橙色”. 之所以选择这种颜色,是因为它在雾中为过往的船只提供了能见度,而且这种颜色与桥梁的环境和周围的土地自然地融为一体.

Keeping Up Appearances

根据城市传说,金门大桥是连续的,首尾相连. Not so. The bridge is painted and touched up according to need. It is estimated that 5,000 - 10,每年要用1000加仑的油漆来重新粉刷金门大桥.

Woah, There!

50,000 people walked across the new bridge on May 26, 1937. It was opened to motor vehicles the next day. On May 24, 1987, some 300,000人挤在桥上参加名为“桥行87”的50岁生日派对. 那天过桥行人的重量使道路中间凹陷了7英尺, 但桥梁工程师表示,该结构始终是安全的.

Thirty Football Fields Long

The six-lane bridge is 1.7 miles long, linking San Francisco on the south with Marin County on the north.

Worth The Price

The total cost of construction was $35 million.

Weight Watcher

The bridge weighs 887,700 tons, after shedding 12,300 tons when the roadway was replaced in the 1980s.

A World (or More) of Wire

两根主悬索总共使用了8万英里的电线. 绕地球赤道一圈,相当于绕地球三圈.

Still In The Top Ten

直到1964年,金门大桥一直是世界上最长的悬索桥. It is now the ninth-longest.

Beep Beep!


It's a Boy!

Three babies have been born on the Golden Gate Bridge. All of them have been boys.

What's in a Name?


Wind Power

自建成以来,这座桥只因天气原因关闭过三次, 这三次都是由于风速接近或超过每小时70英里.

VIP Crossing

这座桥也曾为美国总统富兰克林. 罗斯福总统和法国总统戴高乐,以及美国建国50周年和75周年.

Aaron Danzig
Aaron Danzig

Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social Media Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了10多年,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 8 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!